
Friday, 6 August 2021

New Zealand's Olympics Medals

Kia Ora koutou, welcome back to my blog post. Today we didn't have sports because of the weather but instead of playing sports we searched up New Zealander Olympics. So we had to make a slide and we had to write New Zealander Olympians and what there name is, what event they did, what medal they got. So here is my slide show that I made about New Zealanders Olympics. 

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Hurumanu 3 Galileo Galilei

 Kia Ora everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. Today in class we have been working on a person called Galileo Galilei. We had to make a poster and there was questions that we had to answer about him. I made my poster on a google drawing. Here is my poster and hope you enjoy reading. 

Thank you for coming for coming on my blog. Hope you like it. Feel free to comment down below. Hopefully you found something new and interesting about Galileo Galilei. Bye and have a good rest of your day. 

Friday, 2 July 2021

Interview with Charles Babbage

 Kia Ora everyone, 

So today I will be showing you what I have been doing in hurumanu 3. So today we had do  interview are self to an inventor. The inventor I have picked is Charles Babbage here. Here is my interview. 

Interview with Charles Babbage

Kia Ora my name is Michaela, and today I will be interviewing the man that made the first computer and his name is called Charles Babbage. 

Question 1. How long did it take you to make the computer?

Question 2. Was it really hard to make the computer?

Question 3. Did you ever enjoy making and planning the computer?

Question 4. While making the computer what was the hardest part?

Question 5. Was there another invention that you made but didn’t get to finish?

Question 6. Did you get a scholarship or payed to make computers?

Question 7. Why did you make the first computer?

Question 8. When did you release the first computer? 

Question 9. Did anybody help you while making the computer?
Question 10. What made you make the first computer? 


Thursday, 24 June 2021


 Kia Ora everyone, 

Today in science class we did an experience with skittles. 

The aim : was to separate the colours from the skittles by using chromatography. 

The stuff that we had to use was skittles, 

1. Water, 

2. Petri dish, 

3. Beaker. 


First we had to get a petri dish and then we had to put the six skittles in the dish. 

We had to use a beaker and put 2.25ml water and after when we put the water in the beaker we had to pour the water in the petri dish. 

When we put the water in the petri dish all of the colour of the skittles was spreading around the petri dish. 

Here are some photos of what it looked like.

Thank you for coming on my blog hope you enjoy looking and reading my blog. Feel free to comment down below and I will see you next time with another blog post up. Bye and have a good rest of your day. 

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Hurumanu: 3 Computer Timeline

Kia Ora Koutou lately in Hurumanu 3 we have been working on inventions. So lately we had to make a timeline and we had to choose an invention and make a timeline of google doc or google drawing. I did my timeline on google drawing and my timeline is about computers. Here it is hope you like it.

Thank you everyone for coming on my blog. Hope you enjoyed reading my timeline that I made about computers. Feel free to comment down below and I will see you next time with another blog post. Bye. 

Friday, 28 May 2021

Upstander and Bystander

 Kia Ora Koutou, 

We have been studying the subject of bullying. It involves upstanders, bystanders, and victims. What is a bystander? A bystander is when if there is a problem right in front of them they would just stand there and pretend that there is nothing wrong. Some bystanders be on the bully side and they would laugh at the person who is getting hurt. Other bystanders will get involved and beat up the person that is getting hurt and be on the bully side. 

What is an upstander? An upstander is when there is a problem in front of them and they will go in the situation and help the person who is actually getting bullied and they will get an adult involved and be on the person who is getting bullied side. Some upstanders can distract the bully so the person who is getting hurt can get an adult and get help and report the incident. Upstanders can go and get help straight away so the person getting bullied won't get bullied again.  They are fully involved, unlike bystanders.

Thank you for coming on my blog and reading my blog post. Feel free to comment down below and I will see you next time with another blog post. Remember always be a upstander not a bystander. 

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

New Zealand inventors

 New Zealand's inventors 

What is the invention: The invention is High speed amphibious vehicles 

Who made the invention: The person who made the invention was Alan Gibbs. 

When was the invention invented: The high speed amphibious vehicle was made in 2003. 

Why was the invention made: To travel on water and to travel on land.  

Alan Gibbs is a New Zealander born businessman. After a successful business career in New Zealand Alan Gibbs was one of the country's wealthiest individuals.